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Harrington hall

The other House formally known as Harrington Hall Hotel has had a full internal and external refurb. The establishment consists of 237 units which combines apartment style living with luxury hotel and club services. Cousins were proud to have taken part in the revamp of the premises by completing the external decorations. The external decs now compliment the internal finishes both having a fantastic makeover. The external was tired and weathered, and in poor condition, with the moulded detailed sections being the worse. All existing paint was scrapped back to a firm edge, where it was then sealed with a stabilising solution, filled, sanded and additional coat of stabiliser applied. A mist coat was then applied to bring up-to a coated surface, with a final 2 coats of Dulux Weathershield masonry smooth applied to all surfaces as a finishing coat. Windows and doors were also decorated in Dulux Weathershield satin, as were the metal Juliet balconies using Dulux Metalshield on the rear of the building. The programme ran in line with the scaffold strike. Due to the complexity of the scaffold the building was split into 3 vertical sections, in-order to work around the high level loading bay and feature balcony.