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Young V&A Museum

Full internal decorations of the lunch of the Young V&A in Bethnal Green, works included spraying of ceilings & metal roof trusses in varying colours, balconies, walls, feature staircases, woodwork and flooring, as well as the painting of lollypop and barber shop styled metal balustrades with a total project value of £425, 000 for main contractor Quinn London Heritage division.

Areas included primary and secondary galleries, cafe, reception, toilets, staff and back-of-house areas.

The museum was founded in 1872 as the Bethnal Green Museum. The iron structure reused a prefabricated building from Albertopolis, which was replaced with some early sections of the modern V&A complex.

The refurbishment plans included three new galleries called Play, Imagine and Design, interactive collection displays, learning workshops, an in-gallery design studio for visitors, a basement reading room and a new café and shop. Imagine will feature an amphitheatre-style stage; design will have a working studio for children to experiment in, while Play will have a free-play construction area.

As with all heritage projects, the scheme wasn't without it out its set backs and challenges. Numerous delays and setbacks meant GSD, as the finishing trade was put under immense pressure to deliver with a greatly shortened program and even up to the final handover, leaks throughout the building meant redecorations right up to the end.

However the building was handed over in time on budget to happy clients.

Here is what Andy Williams Quinn London Heritage Director said about GSD

"GSD has undertaken numerous projects for Quinn over the past few years, including flagship projects for the V&A Museum and Warburg Institute both in the range of circa three and four hundred thousand pounds. Happy to recommend them."