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NHS Forth Valley

Following a competitive tender, we successfully secured this 4-year contract for internal painting across the NHS Forth Valley estate. We recently carried out redecoration works to Falkirk Community Hospital. Before commencement, we formed a task group to identify all measures required to comply with HAI-SCRIBE regulations. The wards we were redecorating were used for dementia patients. With this in mind and in conjunction with the senior charge nurse, we designed a dementia aware colour scheme with differing colours for bedrooms, bathrooms/WCs and dining areas, with relaxing colours for dayrooms/TV rooms. With the wards near capacity, we produced a rolling programme for the bedrooms to maximise capacity. Great care was taken when working in corridors using segregation barriers to control the work zone.

All aspects of H&S are evaluated through site surveys and reviewed by the client, including our approach to infection control via the HAI-SCRIBE assessment and very high standards of hygiene/cleanliness which we adopt in all activities and promote during Toolbox Talks, safety meetings, inductions and RAMS. We have up to 8 operatives on-site daily, all of whom have completed infection control training with Enhanced Disclosure Scotland clearance.

KPIs are monitored by the Procurement Department and via our own surveys. We also measure work quality by completing regular quality audits with feedback from Estates Managers who inspect each phase of the works. Our Contracts Manager visits sites twice a week to review the working arrangements and to ensure the works are being carried out in a safe manner and achieving the highest standards of quality. Following the pre-start meeting regular communication is maintained through daily/weekly site meetings, email and telephone. Our Site Supervisor also meets with the charge nurse of the ward each morning to discuss the day’s activities to minimise the impact of the works. We also hold monthly progress meetings to comprehensively review all aspects of the contract.

When working in areas where we encounter patients/visitors/staff, we segregate our working zone with fixed barriers to prevent access. We also use zip wall to segregate the work area and prevent the spread of dust/fumes. Where dust creation may be unavoidable, vacuum units are used to capture dust at source with dust extraction units also in force. We recommended the use of odourless quick-drying paints in public areas out and also completed works overnight and over weekends to minimise any impact as far as possible.